Installation Guide

Q.UN Releases User Notifications

Current released image of Q.UN:


Examples of required settings for the Q.UN module (PostgreSQL database):

  1. QUN - User Notifications
  2. QUN - User Notifications UI

In Q.BPM Player in QBPM_PROCESS_OUTPUT_TOPICS - add topics separated by semicolons:

  • qun-notification-create - topic for sending notifications individually
  • qun-notification-command - topic for sending mass notifications

Adding a Custom Notifications plugin to a root application

  • Via root application repository
  1. Go to the rootapp/assets/data directory
  2. Open config.(base|local|prod).json for editing
  3. Add plugins section and content:
    Example plugins section
  • In namespace via Kubernetes
  1. Open Kubernetes, Config Maps section
  2. Find the root application configuration
  3. Open for editing
  4. Add the QPALETTE_CONFIG parameter in the data section
  5. Add content to the parameter value:
    Example of the contents of a configuration file for authorization via mdpauth
  6. Save configuration
  7. After setting the parameter, restart the root application service

In the Ingress of the root application, add:

Ingress spec