Process Designer

Access to Process Context Variables

There are 4 ways to access process context variables:

  1. Type "Script" - paramName
  2. Type "String or Expression" - ${paramName}
  3. Type "String or Expression" - #{paramName}
    1. Examples of nesting:
      1. Type "String or Expression" - ${attributes.loanApplicationMethod}
      2. Type "String or Expression" - ${attributes.get("clientLastName")}
      3. Type "String or Expression" - ${execution.getVariable("attributes").get("personalInfo").get("clientLastName")};

The most preferable usage - ${execution.getVariable("paramName")}

Usage examples:

  1. Setting a value (variable type: "String or Expression") - ${execution.setVariable("fullName", "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich")};
  2. Getting a value (variable type: "String or Expression") - ${execution.getVariable("attributes")).put("appState", "Under Review in the Bank")};

Examples of conditions for the gateway:

  1. Type "String or Expression" - ${processResult == 'CONFIRM'}
  2. Type "String or Expression" - ${processResult == 'automaticNotification' || processResult == 'sendToApprovalWithCondition'}
  3. Type "Script", Groovy - loanApplicationMethodResult==1